Kinetic West helps organizations solve problems, so they can overcome challenges, drive impact, and focus on effectively serving our communities.
We bring a commitment to client empowerment, equity-centered strategy, rigorous analysis, and personal humility to everything we do.
+ Strategic planning
Whether we are helping established organizations identify priorities and chart a their path forward or working with cross-sector stakeholders on an ambitious statewide or national initiative, we’re serious about the benefits of a solid strategic plan. Our experience with strategic planning includes working with our partners on:
- Landscape analysis and needs assessment
- Mission / vision creation
- Aligned strategies and actions
- Metrics to track progress and success
- Organizational design and governance
- Budget development
- Roadmap / implementation plans
+ System design
System design is about bringing partners together to create a common vision, and then ensuring each stakeholder has a clear role to play in bringing that vision to life. Our system design work acknowledges the specific needs and context of each project, and focuses on opportunities for interrupting built-in bias and creating cross-sector partnerships to drive collective impact.
+ Community engagement
We think the people who are most knowledgable about the gaps in our social systems are those with lived experience of those systems. We facilitate conversations and collaboration across sectors to center the voices of those with lived expertise, and to identify opportunities for improvement based on their specific needs. We believe that bringing together multiple perspectives and elevating the voices of historically underserved populations -- especially Black people, Indigenous people, and People of Color -- is fundamental to designing and executing equity-focused change that creates lasting positive impact.
+ Program creation and evaluation
We work with our partners to co-create programs that meet the needs of our clients and the communities they serve. This includes supporting new program development, innovating on existing programs, or evaluating a program’s actual vs. intended impact.
+ Research and analytics
We conduct deep-dive research through interviews, surveys, focus groups and dissecting complex quantitative datasets to uncover actionable insights. We specialize in translating complex topics and findings to simple, accessible language that can drive decision-making and help you tell your story effectively. Though our approach is tailored to each project, several tools are frequently used across projects, such as:
- Surveys and focus groups
- Landscape analysis
- Literature review
+ Meeting and retreat facilitation
Key meetings and retreats are opportunities for group participants to connect, align on goals and actions, and problem-solve together. Through meeting design, speaker prep, and facilitation, we are intentional about creating engaging environments that are focused, build energy and center equity. We are experienced in in-person, virtual, and hybrid meeting design and have facilitated groups large and small. To ensure our clients achieve their meeting outcomes, we support them before, during and after so that facilitated engagements lead to action.
+ Policy solutions
We help policymakers and our clients translate strategy into policy and turn legislation into action. From policy research and analysis that outlines the local and national ideas landscape to developing detailed policy recommendations,we support our clients to shape and advocate for policy that creates more just and equitable communities.
+ Technical assistance
Kinetic West supports our client’s initiatives and programs by providing high-quality technical assistance drawing from comprehensive, evidence-based practices. From coaching a cohort of grantees on their strategic plans, to providing training for employers to build work-based learning opportunities for youth, our technical assistance meets people where they’re at, builds from existing knowledge and best practices, and helps our clients further their impact. Our work in this area often includes:
- Toolkit / playbook creation
- Training development and facilitation
- 1-1 coaching and technical assistance
- Continuous improvement
Our Focus Areas
We are passionate about providing critical support to help clients reach their goals and facilitate deep cross-sector collaboration in the following issue areas:
+ Apprenticeship and work-based learning
System design for Career Connect Washington (CCW) - Kinetic West is the core strategic consulting partner for Governor Inslee's Career Connect Washington (CCW) initiative. CCW is focused on creating and strengthening a statewide Career Connected Learning system to drive the expansion of high-quality work-based learning opportunities for WA students. Kinetic West has supported CCW in system strategy development, cross-sector coalition-building, change management, program design, metric setting and data collection, workshop and focus group facilitation, and implementation. Our work was key to the passage of state legislation and public funding to support the system.
Technical assistance and coaching for Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship (PAYA) - We work closely with New America and PAYA to expand access to high quality apprenticeships for youth across the country. We provided coaching and technical assistance to nine state and city PAYA grantees across the country to develop strategic plans to grow youth apprenticeship (i.e. program design, system roles, stakeholder engagement, and work planning). This assistance included leading a 2-day convening for grantees, regular coaching calls, and creating a system-design toolkit.
+ Workforce development
Research and project management support for Markle Foundation - We provided research and project management support for the Markle Foundation’s Rework America Alliance. We worked with employers, worker-serving organizations, training providers, researchers, and state workforce leaders stakeholders to define effectiveness metrics for training programs and design scalable processes for sourcing these programs. This included a market scan of emerging approaches to sourcing and sharing data on training effectiveness.
Impact analysis and new sector expansion opportunities for CareerWork$ - We worked with Biller Family Foundation’s CareerWork$ program to analyze the impact of their BankWork$ training program on improving the economic livelihood of the people they served, as well as how program participation impacted the communities where the BankWork$ operated. We also helped CareerWork$ assess program expansion opportunities in the transportation, distribution logistics, and supply chain sector. This included helping CareerWork$ understand the size, scope, and career paths within the sector, as well as the specific occupations and jobs that could generate economic opportunity for the people they serve.
+ K-12 education
Virtual career connected learning program development through CareerConnect@Home and State of Innovation Challenge - With Career Connect Washington (CCW), we created CareerConnect@Home, a web series to help Washington’s CTE learners stay connected to and inspired by local industry in the early stages of the 2020 pandemic. We also worked with the WA Governor's Office, the Washington STEM Innovation Alliance, CCW, OSPI, and other partners to design and implement the State of Innovation Case Challenge: a virtual, project-based, career connected learning challenge inviting learners to design their own solutions to real challenges confronting Washington State.
Research, analysis, and policy development for Washington Roundtable - Kinetic West has supported the Washington Roundtable (WRT) in the development of their K-12 and postsecondary education thought leadership and policy agendas. Our work has focused on specific policy recommendations to reshape the education system to better support the postsecondary attainment of students of color and low-income students. Additional work has included labor market and education data analysis to set and track progress on the state credential goal and policy recommendations to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
+ Homelessness and housing
Business plan development for Building Changes - Kinetic West was hired by Building Changes and a group of local philanthropic and business partners in King County, to create a business plan for a new non-profit organization to achieve net zero homelessnes in King County. Creating the plan included conducting 30+ interviews with people with lived experience, shelter providers, advocacy organizations, business, philanthropy, and government leaders to develop organizational design for the future organization. Strategic plan included mission, vision, roles, strategic metrics, governance design, organization structure, initial budget, and implementation timeline / roadmap.
+ Postsecondary education
Analysis of in-demand occupations for Seattle Colleges - Analyzed local labor-market data and interviews with top performing Community and Technical Colleges across the country to recommend future focus areas for Seattle Colleges' IT / technology programs.
Retreat facilitation for Washington Student Achievement Council Board - Kinetic West collaborated with WSAC staff and Council leadership to plan and facilitate an all-day retreat for the WSAC Board and public attendees to develop the agency’s strategic framework.
+ Climate and sustainability
Business opportunities assessment for Climate Solutions - We worked with Climate Solutions to gather business and utilities perspectives on potential collaboration opportunities to accelerate clean energy solutions in the Pacific Northwest.
+ Early childhood
Strategic plan development for Child Poverty Action Lab - Kinetic West provided strategic planning, research, and program development support to help launch the Child Poverty Action Lab (CPAL), an intermediary organization focused on reducing child poverty in Dallas, Texas by 50% in one generation.
Financial model development for Puget Sound Educational Service District - Supported Puget Sound Educational Service District (PSESD) to develop a financial model for its early learning program to support future growth. Project included 20+ interviews with staff across all Early Learning functions, mapping current state processes, creating a role and activity inventory, developing a “true cost” baseline, developing a growth forecast model and planning future growth scenarios. Project involved deep dive into State and Federal early learning funding programs and models including ECEAP, Head Start, and Early Head Start.