Our clients

Kinetic West’s clients are social impact leaders from across the public, private, and non-profit sectors who want to build common purpose and get big things done in partnership with local communities.

We help organizations solve problems, so they can focus on effectively serving our communities. We bring a commitment to client empowerment, equity-centered strategy, rigorous analysis, and personal humility to everything we do.



Developing strategies for system design and coalition building, providing support through implementation


Creating programs and partnerships to ensure successful execution of strategy


Analyzing and communicating complex data simply to drive decision-making


Translating strategy into policy structures and turning legislation into action


Advising and supporting individuals and team to support their ability to execute on strategy


Career Connected Learning

Kinetic West has supported multiple projects in the career-connected learning (CCL) sector. We define CCL as student programs and activities that prepare students for multiple college and career pathways, provide career-specific academic preparation, and emphasize hands-on, work-based learning. Read more on our blog about why we believe in career connected learning.


Kinetic West has extensive knowledge and expertise in engaging with intermediaries. We believe in cross-sector engagement to solve our communities’ challenges, with non-profit intermediaries as vital partners in this work.


Career Connect Washington (CCW)

Serve as lead consulting partner for Governor Inslee’s Career Connect Washington initiative. We’ve partnered with CCW through strategic planning, policy development, and now system implementation.

Building Changes

Developed business plan for new homelessness intermediary supported by business, philanthropy, and community stakeholders.


Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship (PAYA)

Provide strategy support and technical assistance to New America’s PAYA grantees across the country to grow youth apprenticeship.

Child Poverty Action Lab

Developed theory of change for a new intermediary to reduce child poverty in Dallas by 50% in one generation.


Road Map Project’s Community Center for Educational Results (CCER)

Collaboration with Community Center for Educational Results and Challenge Seattle to expose students to local careers via worksite tours. We work with the business community to recruit and train employers for tours each spring and fall. Send us an email at contact@kineticwest.com if you want to bring worksite tours to your office.


Washington STEM

Prepared strategic plan, including projected financials for annual board meeting; developed new processes to help WA STEM staff increase team efficiency.

Washington Roundtable

Lead education consulting partner for the Washington Roundtable focusing on research, analytics and policy creation.



Kinetic West has extensive knowledge and expertise in engaging with intermediaries. We believe in cross-sector engagement to solve our communities’ challenges, with non-profit intermediaries as vital partners in this work.


Kinetic West has extensive knowledge and expertise in engaging with intermediaries. We believe in cross-sector engagement to solve our communities’ challenges, with non-profit intermediaries as vital partners in this work.